Active projects

The SCCS Secretariat are involved in major funded projects in a variety of ways including project management, public engagement, providing communication, dissemination and IT services, and research input from within the team as well as from our Partner Institutes.

Our current projects are described here with links to their websites and reports. To view completed projects click here.

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    PilotSTRATEGY aims to advance understanding of deep saline aquifers (DSA) for geological CO2 storage in five European industrial regions. DSAs have much promise and potential for CO2 storage, yet are not well studied. There is a need to increase knowledge of these sites to enable faster deployment of CCS.

    PilotSTRATEGY is a successor project to STRATEGY CCUS, which identified storage capacity as the most uncertain factor in long-term implementation planning for CCS. PilotSTRATEGY is a five-year project funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme and coordinated by BRGM, the French Geological Survey. SCCS is leading the dissemination and impact activities of this project.

  • EverLoNG

    International shipping takes care of the movement of goods and products between nations. It has the lowest carbon footprint per tonne for long-range transport but still creates around 2.5% of global CO2 emissions. The maritime sector has pledged to reach net zero emissions by 2050.

    Different low-carbon technologies are being explored, including ship-based carbon capture (SBCC), which could provide a low-cost solution compared to zero-emission fuels, such as ammonia and hydrogen.

    The EverLoNG project aims to encourage the uptake of SBCC by demonstrating its use on board LNG-fuelled ships and moving it closer to market readiness. Their research will optimise the technology and consider how best to integrate it into existing ship and port infrastructure.

    International and national collaboration is inherent to EverLoNG, which aims to support the maritime sector’s ambitious and essential decarbonisation plans.

    SCCS is contributing to the development of the CO2 Shipping Interoperability Industry Group (CSIIG) and of the port readiness tool, as well as leading the communication and dissemination activities of this project.