Partner Projects

This searchable database of projects aims to list all funded projects involving SCCS partner institutes. Most projects listed are primarily academic research projects, the database also includes the joint industry projects where funding was commercial, at least in part.

The search function is a simple word search acting on the text fields; remember to click “Clear filters” before a new search. You can sort on either date column; click column heading to toggle through forward or reverse sort order, or no sorting.

We aim to keep the database up to date, but we cannot guarantee that all links to external sites remain functional. Please contact us on if you are able to provide information where missing or links where broken.

partner projects illustration

231 - 240 of 273

  • The GeoX Suite: Environmental cells for NERC research using in situ imaging

    29/11/2019 - 28/05/2021

    Funded by: NERC


    Link: Visit external website

    Lead institution:University of Strathclyde


    Principal investigator: Dr K J Dobson

  • EPSRC Capital Award for Core Equipment 2019 - X-ray In Situ Observation Suite (XISOS)

    29/11/2019 - 28/05/2021

    Funded by: EPSRC


    Link: Visit external website

    Lead institution:University of Strathclyde


    Principal investigator: Prof S McArthur

  • redaem: anion-exchange membranes for reverse electrodialysis

    01/08/2018 - 31/07/2021

    Funded by: EPSRC


    Link: Visit external website

    Lead institution:The University of Edinburgh


    Principal investigator: Dr M-C Ferrari


    Co-investigators: Prof S Brandani

  • Biochar in Forestry

    01/09/2017 - 31/08/2021

    Funded by: UK central government bodies/local authorities, health and hospital authorities


    Link: Visit external website

    Lead institution:The University of Edinburgh


    Principal investigator: Dr S Sohi

  • Biochar in Forestry

    01/09/2017 - 31/08/2021

    Funded by: UK central government bodies/local authorities, health and hospital authorities


    Link: Visit external website

    Lead institution:The University of Edinburgh


    Principal investigator: Dr S Sohi

  • Novel gas diffusion electrodes for the electrochemical utilisation of CO2

    01/10/2020 - 30/09/2021

    Funded by: Carnegie trust for the universities of scotland


    Link: Visit external website

    Lead institution:The University of Edinburgh


    Principal investigator: Dr I Tudela-Montes

  • Novel gas diffusion electrodes for the electrochemical utilisation of CO₂

    01/10/2020 - 30/09/2021

    Funded by: Carnegie trust for the universities of scotland


    Link: Visit external website

    Lead institution:The University of Edinburgh


    Principal investigator: Dr I Tudela-Montes

  • Resolving CO2 trapping and tracking CO2 migration in the Carbon Management Canada Field Research Station, Canada, using inherent tracing tools

    01/09/2019 - 31/10/2021

    Funded by: EPSRC


    Link: Visit external website

    Lead institution:The University of Edinburgh


    Principal investigator: Dr S Gilfillan

  • Hydrenor studentship

    01/09/2019 - 30/11/2021

    Funded by: Hydrenor Ltd default scheme


    Link: Visit external website

    Lead institution:The University of Edinburgh


    Principal investigator: Dr M Wilkinson

  • Hydrenor studentship

    01/09/2019 - 30/11/2021

    Funded by: Hydrenor Ltd default scheme


    Link: Visit external website

    Lead institution:The University of Edinburgh


    Principal investigator: Dr M Wilkinson