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Towards a zero-carbon future

accelerating CCS innovation and deployment through international research and knowledge exchange

Latest news

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    The UK takes a giant step towards industrial carbon management

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  • HyNet image source: https://hynet.co.uk/about/ logo

    Op-ed by SCCS Director, Professor Stuart Haszeldine, The University of Edinburgh

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  • Flyer: UKCCSRC Flexible Funding 2024 logo

    SCCS partners successful in UKCCSRC Flexible Funding 2024

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  •  Joan van den Akker (left) of Conoship International and Richard Stevenson (right) from Scottish Carbon Capture & Storage logo

    Onboard carbon capture: a feasible pathway to net zero emissions for shipping

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Our mission

Enabling economy-wide decarbonisation and climate neutrality through research and knowledge exchange into carbon capture and storage and other related low-carbon areas.

SCCS works with academics, business, industry, the public, regulators and policymakers worldwide to undertake multidisciplinary research and facilitate dialogue towards tackling CO₂ emissions. A recognised centre of excellence, we provide independent, impartial advice to address global climate change through sustainable carbon management.

About us What is CCS?

Explore the global CCS map

This interactive map provides a virtual tour of carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects around the world. Here you will find information on large-scale projects - operating and planned - which capture, transport and store at least 500,000 tonnes of CO₂ per year. Smaller scale but significant pilot projects, from capture and storage to full-chain CCS, also feature.

Explore the map

The SCCS partnership