Masters programmes

Our partner institutes offer a variety of Masters programmes, which develop knowledge and expertise in carbon capture and storage, from engineering and hydrocarbon geoscience to carbon management. These programmes aim to provide you with the skills and training needed to pursue a career in a global CCS sector. The following section lists different opportunities for study – follow the links for more information.

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  • Naval Architecture, Ocean and Engineering Department: MSc

    The University of Strathclyde

    MSc dissertations on CCS topics are offered to students – including projects on CO2 shipping or pipeline engineering.

  • MSc Advanced Chemical Engineering

    The University of Strathclyde

    CCS is taught as a part of our Petroleum Engineering & Environmental Engineering for Solving Industrial Challenges module. MEng projects and summer studentships are also available.

  • CEE Dissertation topics on CCS / CCS-related topics

    The University of Strathclyde

    These are offered to both undergraduates and masters students. There is also potential for summer internships on CCS topics, through competitive schemes such as the Interns@Strathclyde or the Carnegie Trust Summer Internship Programme.

  • Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE): MRes Climate Change Adaptation

    The University of Strathclyde

    This research orientated MRes aims to provide advanced study in key issues related to climate change, and particularly around how infrastructure will need to adapt. The research thesis can tackle CCUS related topics. 

  • Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE): MRes Geoenvironmental Engineering

    The University of Strathclyde

    This research orientated MRes aims to provide advanced study in key issues related to geoenvironmental engineering and related topics such as geoenergy and engineering for sustainability. The research thesis can tackle CCUS related topics.

  • MSc Climate Change Management (Online Learning)

    The University of Edinburgh

    Studying the Masters online provides part-time flexible study.

  • MSc Climate Change Management

    The University of Edinburgh

    This degree has been ranked in the Top 5 UK Sustainable Development and Environmental Management Masters. Carbon management, at the heart of tackling climate change, is a growing sector with excellent employment prospects.

  • Engineering: MSc by Research

    The University of Edinburgh

    The MSc by Research is based on a research project tailored to a candidate's interests. It lasts one year full-time or two years part-time.

  • Carbon Capture and Storage Scholarships

    The University of Edinburgh

    The School of GeoSciences offers many Scholarships and Bursaries for Masters students. Opportunities that may be available to students applying to MSc Carbon Capture and Storage include:

    GeoSciences: Research Masters

    The School of GeoSciences’s research programmes have a compulsory core but allow flexibility in selecting optional courses, including those relating to CCS.

  • Geoenergy MSc

    The University of Edinburgh

    This MSc is aimed at students who wish to pursue a geoscience-related career in the future energy sector as it transitions from fossil fuels to a low carbon economy.