Researchers & academics

The SCCS partnership includes world-class researchers and academics from our Partner Institutes with expertise and experience relevant to the full CCS chain — from CO2 capture, transport and geological storage to public engagement and economic and regulatory analysis. They provide impartial advice and analysis to industry and are key advisors to the Scottish and UK governments. Find out more about them and the focus of their research here.

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  • Peter Hicks

    Institution: University of Aberdeen Department: School of Engineering Position: Lecturer
    Key research interests: CO2 tankers; Solid-Fluid Interactions
  • Peter Cawood

    Institution: University of St Andrews Department: Earth and Environmental Sciences
    Key research interests: Record of continental growth and on the drivers and environmental consequences of mountain building
  • Peter Cameron

    Institution: University of Dundee Department: CEPMLP
    Key research interests: Climate change and energy law issues
  • Reza Sanaee

    Institution: Robert Gordon University
    Key research interests: Geomechanics, Fracture-Matrix Interaction, Hydraulic Fracturing
  • Rebecca Lunn

    Institution: University of Strathclyde Department: Civil and Environmental Engineering
    Key research interests: Hydromechanics and the spatial and temporal evolution of rock permeability
  • Raffaella Ocone

    Institution: Heriot-Watt University Department: Institute of GeoEnergy Engineering
    Key research interests: Modelling of granular materials and extended the modelling methodology (two-phase continuum models) to the hydrodynamics of pneumatic conveying, fluidised and bubbling beds
  • Radhakrishna Prabhu

    Institution: Robert Gordon University
    Key research interests: Biosensors, environmental sensing and monitoring
  • Rachel Wood

    Institution: University of Edinburgh Department: School of GeoSciences
    Key research interests: Carbonate diagenesis
  • Quan Gan

    Institution: University of Aberdeen Department: School of Geosciences Position: Lecturer
    Key research interests: THMC models
  • Rodd Burgass

    Institution: Heriot-Watt University Department: Institute of GeoEnergy Engineering
    Key research interests: Gas hydrates and flow assurance, phase behaviour measurements on reservoir fluids, wax, wax inhibitors, asphaltenes, CO₂ phase behaviour measurements