Researchers & academics

The SCCS partnership includes world-class researchers and academics from our Partner Institutes with expertise and experience relevant to the full CCS chain — from CO2 capture, transport and geological storage to public engagement and economic and regulatory analysis. They provide impartial advice and analysis to industry and are key advisors to the Scottish and UK governments. Find out more about them and the focus of their research here.

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  • Francisco Ascui

    Institution: University of Edinburgh Department: Business School
    Key research interests: Carbon accounting and the implications of carbon market design for private sector investment
  • Euan Phimister

    Institution: University of Aberdeen Department: Business School
    Key research interests: Third party access in Carbon Capture and Storage systems
  • Euan Bain

    Institution: University of Aberdeen Department: School of Engineering
    Key research interests: Multichannel Potensiostat; corrosion studies
  • Eric Mackay

    Institution: Heriot-Watt University Department: Institute of GeoEnergy Engineering Position: Energi Simulation Chair in Reactive Flow Simulation and CCUS
    Key research interests: CO₂ storage reservoir engineering, pore scale modelling and oilfield scale
  • Enrique Gomez-Rivas

    Institution: University of Aberdeen Department: School of Geosciences
    Key research interests: Geochemistry; Geomechanics; Reactive transport models
  • Elsa Lasseuguette

    Institution: University of Edinburgh Department: School of Engineering
    Key research interests: High pressure membrane separation for carbon capture, with research focus on polymeric membranes to pre-combustion conditions.
  • Elizabeth Bay

    Institution: Heriot-Watt University Department: School of Engineering and Physical Sciences
    Key research interests: Carbon capture and utilization, particularly through photocatalytic CO<sub>2</sub> Reduction for the production of solar fuels
  • Eileen Callaghan

    Institution: British Geological Survey Department: Edinburgh
    Key research interests: GSI3D Modelling of superficial offshore deposits
  • Gang Wang

    Institution: Heriot-Watt University Department: Institute of GeoEnergy Engineering
    Key research interests: CO<sub>2</sub> and H<sub>2</sub> storage; Reservoir Engineering
  • Gareth Johnson

    Institution: University of Edinburgh Department: School of GeoSciences
    Key research interests: International research links with North America, ongoing and future CO₂ injection and monitoring projects in the USA and Canada, new collaborations between SCCS and future projects.