Masters programmes

Our partner institutes offer a variety of Masters programmes, which develop knowledge and expertise in carbon capture and storage, from engineering and hydrocarbon geoscience to carbon management. These programmes aim to provide you with the skills and training needed to pursue a career in a global CCS sector. The following section lists different opportunities for study – follow the links for more information.

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  • Physical sciences and Engineering: MSc by Research

    The University of Aberdeen

    Students undertake a research project under the guidance of an academic supervisor and, unlike a postgraduate taught degree, there are no formal lectures or seminars and work is not formally examined until after the final thesis is submitted.

  • Research degrees in Carbon Capture and Storage

    Heriot-Watt University

    This can include topics under Carbon Storage and Carbon Utilisation and includes MSc (one-year study), MPhil (two-year study) and PhD (three-year study).

  • MSc Petroleum Engineering

    Heriot-Watt University

    The programme focuses on exploration petroleum geoscience but is closely linked with other MSc programmes and is applicable to non-petroleum subsurface geoscience subjects, such as CO2 storage and groundwater flow.

  • Subsurface Energy Systems MSc

    Heriot-Watt University

    This programme delivers the key concepts of subsurface energy and CO2 storage, geothermal energy or transitional gas and integrates geoscience, engineering, political and societal aspects important for large scale implementation of these technologies. The programme is recommended for Geoscientists, Petroleum Engineers, and Governmental Stakeholders and beyond such that they can participate in the management of subsurface reservoirs used to switch from a fossil fuel driven to a decarbonised economy.